Sunday, November 30, 2014

TIME collocations

TIME collocations  A three-page hand-out  from the Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English, where lots of TIME  collocations can be looked at.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


 As I mentioned in class a couple of weeks ago, here's a hand-out on the symbols I'll be using when correctings your writings.

Most common abbreviations used on WRITINGS CORRECTIONS

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2B: Activities on PROVERBS and SAYINGS

Hi guys,
 Here's  some links with loads of proverbs and sayings:

1st activitiy ( a wide variety of them through matching exercises)
Conflicting proverbs (  a batch of somehow  "tricky" proverbs)
Quizzes on proverbs and sayings ( loads of them with different meanings)

Proverbs in songs  Do you think you can find songs where there are proverbs or sayings in their lyrics? Find some of them and share them with your classmates in class next day. Here's  one by SUPERTRAMP.

Have fun!!

Monday, November 10, 2014


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Hi guys,

The other day in class we were looking back in time to the days when we were little. Describe an incident from your early childhood about any of the topics in the book.
Post it as a comment under this post so that everybody can read them.
As we said, try to keep it as short as possible.

Have fun!!

KEY to Grammar activities:( HAVE & PRONOUNS)

 Hi guys,

Here's the key to the grammar hand-outs I emailed you and posted on the blog.

Key to Grammar activities on HAVE and PRONOUNS

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Grammar revision: HAVE/HAVE GOT and PRONOUNS

 Hi everybody,

Here's some hand-outs on the grammar items we have been looking at in class in this unit 1.

There are copies of them on your e-mail inbox in case you can't print them out properly.


Hi guys,

 As I said last Thursday 30th, just before HALLOWEEN, this is the place  where I would like you to post your short creepy and spooky stories to share with the rest all the groups.
1. Keep stories short, if possible.(150 words long)
2. Be as creative and imaginative as possible.
3. Put down your full name and group at the bottom of the post.

Stories from you all are welcome.Have a try and take part in this "creepy" activity. You won't regret it!!

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