Sunday, March 29, 2015


Hey there!

 Pretty sure you've heard some expressions like the ones below now and again.
Check how many of these British expressions you already know and try to remember at least 7 new ones which you think you might use.


 HOMOPHONES can be tricky at times as you have seen in the exercise we've done in class. For that reason, here's some more links on them  for you to work on:
Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 Ex 4    Ex 5 Ex 6

Saturday, March 28, 2015


1)Some VOCABULARY on both topics.

Travel and tourism  
More Travel expressions


  • French exchange students get lost in Ipswich - after being given Australian map - 02 February 2012
    "A group of French schoolchildren on an exchange trip to Suffolk became hopelessly lost after discovering that the maps they had downloaded were for Ipswich in Australia..."

  •   Many holidaying Brits refuse to eat local nosh
    "47% even claim they would rather eat in well-known burger and fast-food restaurants than sampling some of the more exotic delicacies...
    36% of Brits also expect all foreign people to speak fluent English, and yet half would never consider trying to speak the local language themselves in an attempt to communicate..."


 Would you fancy spending some time like 10 years in MARS as part of an Astronomy project?
Find out what this 24-year-old says about it.
 This woman is in the running for a one-way trip to Mars - VIDEO - 13 February 2015
"The 24-year-old, who's doing a PHD in astronomy and space at the University of Birmingham,
is one of the Britons shortlisted for the Mars One mission...
If she gets through the latest round she'll spend the next 10 years training for the project.
It aims to send teams of four to the red planet every two years from 2025 until 40 people are living there."


Saturday, March 14, 2015


Hi guys!

I just forgot to tell you the other day... literally it slipped my mind.
anyway, I just wanted to give you some extra homework for next week.

1) Do the READING right at the end of unit 5.
2) Do the REVISE & CHECK from unit 5.

3) Some PREFIXES links:

A lot of them with exercises to put them into practice.


Hey there!
This is Fallas' Time but in a couple of days will be  St Patrick's Day, the Patron Saint of Ireland.
Watch a video   on St Patrick's Day  and answer these  questions    about the video.


Resultado de imagen de st patrick's day

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Elvira Lindo's podcast on the English language: What's going on with Spaniards when it comes to learning languages?

 Hi guys,
Interesting analyisis on why Spaniards struggle with the English language

Elvira Lindo's podcast: "¿qué nos pasa con el Inglés a los españoles?"

Michelle Obama's speech on the power of Education in 2013.

HI everyone!

This a great speech given by M. Obama on the importance of education. It's interesting not only by the use of some educaction-related vocabulary she makes use of throughout the speech, but also by the use of stress on some words she wants to highlight. Besides, eye contact with the audience, and body language is something to take note.


Hi guys,

Here's a new worksheet to get a bit of more practice in the use of the grammar items that we are dealing with in this unit.

Permission, Obligation and necessity
Remember NOT to do the activation section below.
Answer key

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Old wives' tales that will freak you out

 Hi guys,
 More old wives' tales
Hope you don't get scared stiff after reading them.
Enjoy them!

Unit 5C: Grammar on Gerund-Infinitve

 Hi guys,

A bit of extra practice on verbs and expressions that take gerund or infinitive(to).
Just do the first two activities. You don't have to do the matching exercise under "ACTIVATION" if you don't want to.

Answer Key "How chilhood trauma affects health across a lifetime"

Hi guys,
As usual , present us a very interesting talk by a prestigious  U.S. doctor.  How  trauma at an early stage is likely to affect our whole lives.
Hope you enjoy it!!

A short video on Complimentary and alternative Medicine

Hi everyone,
Here's  a short interview to an alternative medicine expert.