Monday, December 29, 2014

3A: Grammar exercises: Speculation and deduction

 1 Quiz on verbs of speculation and deduction ( and adverbs and adjectives for speculation)

  2  Brain Teasers ( funny scenarios where you have to use your imagination to come up with the real answer) You have to make use of  speculation and deduction expressions in the present and in the past. Just speculate by using some of the expressions  used in the book for each situation.
A man lived on the twelfth floor of a building. Every day he took the elevator to got to the ground floor to go to work or  to go shopping. when he returned he took the elevator to the eighth floor and walked  up the stairs to reach his apartment. he hated walking, why did he do that, then?

Possible answers:
" he could have forgotten.... "
"He can't possibly have had...."

Thursday, December 11, 2014

ANSWER KEY for GRAMMAR activities from unit 2

 Hi everybody,
here's the answer KEY to the activities on the previous post I made on GRAMMAR activities for CONSOLIDATION.

ANSWER KEY to activities from UNIT 2

Monday, December 8, 2014

Grammar activities from UNIT 2 for consolidation.

 Hi guys!

Here's some hand-outs to work on grammar for Unit 2.
DO NOT do activities under  "ACTIVATION" tag.
I'll post the  KEY with the answers in  a couple of days.

Narrative tenses, USED TO, WOULD

Expression of distance

Uses of GET

bye for now

Monday, December 1, 2014


Yes! It's about shopping! SHOP TILL YOU DROP is the logo of the day.
Lots of people in the U.S.A. start their Christmas shopping on this day. Chain stores and smaller shops open their doors early in the morning in the hope of making big sales and great profits.
Why is it called BLACK Friday? There are two theories to explain it:
  • One considers it is due to the marks of wheels on the roads on such a busy day.
  • The other one says the reason is that benefits are recorded in black ink whereas losses appear in red.
What is your opinion about a day like this?
Is there something similar in your country?